lifestyle fitness
healthy living
Looking to just be healthier, stronger, and more coordinated? Pilates is perfect for you. With a mixture of strength training, balance exercises and breathing techniques, you’ll find energy and life that you never knew you had!
Let's get started
what is
how pilates can help you live well
I start off by doing a detailed assessment & analysis, taking into consideration your health & injury history. This helps me build a plan tailored to your needs and goals.
Develop your own pace
Together we develop exercises and a pace that works for you and encourages sustained growth and avoids giving up on your fitness.
Low-impact, less stress
The low-impact nature of pilates training makes it perfect for saving your joints or people who cannot endure high-impact sports or training but still want to stay in shape.
Functional movement training
We work to correct posture & alignment by re-establishing healthy movement patterns and creating balance within the body. We train the body with functional movement patterns to ensure success across all areas of life.
Real world results
Work to improve range of motion, strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, and coordination to be successful in all areas of your life from shovelling the driveway to feeling less tired & more alive.
Posture & alignment
Whether it’s sitting in a chair, walking, driving, or on the course, your posture is probably the easiest way to ensure that you remain upright and performing strongly in everything you do.
Improved confidence
By addressing movement & balance, I can help teach you about your body, how to properly stabilize it and how to properly mobilize it.
Private Studio
Train privately and one-on-one in a comfortable, relaxed, inviting and supportive environment.
During this time of isolation, it's important to stay motivated and connected. Join us in our zoom pilates workouts to stay fit, trim and ready to conquer the world when we're all allowed out again.